Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 29

Day 29

The full shot.


  1. You showed us a building a couple of weeks ago that had similar slits in the stonework. I've tried to find out online, but don't exactly know how to describe what I'm looking for. It is evident that the slits were created after the stonework as they are cut into them. I'm wondering if they are some sort of ventilation to avoid moisture build-up. If you know the answer, I would love to know.

  2. I have always called them loopholes. here is a quote I found:

    Many Pennsylvania bank barns had narrow slits, called loophole windows, for ventilation. These windows were larger on the inside to keep the rain out and let the warm air escape.

  3. The stone work is quite striking on this building. The mortar seems very bright. Thank you for enlightning us with an explanation of the "Loopholes".
