Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 24

Day 24


  1. wow, I love this. I love how you found a window that has it's sides very straight and how skewed the top and bottom are. There is something very lovely about the ranches and growth all around, making it almost feel like looking into a private little secret corner of a home. For some reason I can't open the image bigger as I would have liked to explore more what's going on in the window, but them's the breaks. I must admit though, that I really would love to climb up on a ladder and take a peek within.

  2. I agree with what Eury said about the shape of the window! Nice find. Also looks like the stone to the right of the window is different than that on the left! I love the casual tangle of plants/weeds - it gives this an old and abandoned feel. More so than just the broken window.

  3. This is a lovely shot. It's the type of shot good stories are made out of.

  4. Great fine, great composition! I'm enjoying your entire series very much!

  5. Better composition on this one. I like how the foliage on the right and top helps frame the window.

  6. Having the greenery around the outside really makes it look very hidden away (whether it actually really is or not!)
